For the flight from Seville to Bata, Haya was again awarded the Harmon Trophy for the year 1932, as well as his second Diploma of Honour and Gold Medal from the Spanish Section of the IAF. It is worth noting that on receiving this trophy for the second time in the gentlemanly manner that was characteristic of him, Haya, the pilot who had achieved these three records and made the flight to Bata, gave the medal he had been presented with and which was engraved with an affectionate dedication, to Cipriano Rodriguez as a present, for he owed a considerable part of the triumph to the great Cucufate. A few years after the end of the Civil War, with both of these heroic aviators having fallen in combat, the family of Cipriano Rodriguez made the touching gesture of presenting this medal to Hector Haya, the aviator and son of our intrepid hero who has kept it proudly to this day.

It was a typical feature of Carlos Haya that gave advice and assistance to those fellow aviators who were going to make special flights.

Around the middle of 1932, we find him making continual flights, testing his instruments in different planes: “Napier” DH-9, Loring R-III and Moth, often accompanied by Commander Jordana and the pilots Ferreiro, Llorente, Azcárraga, Muñoz, Pazó and Vela. On the 10th November of that year, he continued to carry out tests with his artificial horizon in the Loring R-III 88 and on the 9th December he flew with Pazó in that same R-III 88 to present the results to the Examining Committee.

All this information has been obtained from the following writings, books and encyclopaedias:
-Espasa-Calpe Encyclopaedia
- Aeronautical History Review (October 1989 issue nº 7/ November 1990 issue nº 8) R. de Madariaga.
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