Carlos de Haya arriving from his round Spain flight. |
Carlos de Haya arriving from his round Spain flight, being received by President
Macia. |
Arrival of Carlos de Haya after achieving 3 world records. |
Haya and Rodriguez holding the trophies for the 3 world records achieved. |
Map showing the routes followed by Haya and Rodriguez on their world record-breaking flights. |
Gold Medal awarded by the International League of Aviators, obtained in addition to the Diploma of Honour and the Harmon Trophy 1930 for the speed records and round Spain and Europe flights. The inscription reads: “Ligue Internationale des Aviateurs Lieutenant Carlos de Haya y Gonzalez Laureat du Trophée Espagnole 1930 Medaille Honneur”. |
Gold Medal awarded by the International League of Aviators. For the direct flight made from Seville – Bata. Haya again received the Harmon Trophy, the Diploma of Honour and the Gold Medal. In characteristic gentlemanly fashion, Haya gave this Medal as a gift to Cipriano Rodriguez with an inscription full of affection that reads “The International League of Aviators has chosen Carlos de Haya y Gonzalez as champion aviator of the Spanish Section 1932. Medal of Honour. To Cucuf in memory of our Flight to Guinea. |
Obverse of the Medal in Picture 7. The inscription reads: “ C.B. Harmon, American Pilot Nº 6”. |
Italian Gold Medal equivalent to the Spanish Cross of Saint
Ferdinand. |
Medal awarded in Germany during the round- Europe flight. |
Medal awarded for the II European Challenger, 1930. |
Commemorative plaque as honorary member of the International League of Aviators. Clifford B. Harmon, Charles A. Lindbergh, Dieudonné Costes, Richard E. Byrd, Clarence D. Chamberlain, CD Barnard, Louis Bleriot, Arturo Ferrarin, Hugo Eckener, Alberto Santos-Dumont, Alan J. Cobham, Carl Eielson, Charles Kingford-Smith, Winifred E. Spooner, Mary R. Bailey, James H. Doolittle, Francesco de Pinedo, Maro de Bernardini, Amy Johnson, Major Von Grabow, Hermann Koehl, Walter Mittelholzer, Ignacio Jiménez, Charlie Kerwood, G.J. Geysendorffer. |
Diplomas awarded by the International League of Aviators
for the Speed Records in 1930, and in 1931 from Seville to Bata. |
Passport stamped and dated in 1931 for the Seville-Bata flight. |
 | Passport stamped in 1930 for the II Challenger. |
Map of the II Challenger route. |
Map of Carlos Haya’s round-Europe Flight in 1928. |
 | Sketch of the Spanish Tour (1935) in two stages. |
Map with diagram showing the circuits that were followed in the bid to beat the speed records. |
Postcard sent by Carlos de Haya to his brother-in-law Joaquin García Morato from the Junker factory in Dessau during the round-Europe flight in 1930. |
Royal Flying Club at Madrid. Tribute to Air Force Liutenat Haya
and Captain Rodriguez for their three Closed Circuit Speed Records. |
Medals. |